David Doriguzzi, PA-C
Physician Assistant located in California City, CA & Lancaster, CA
About Doriguzzi
David Doriguzzi, PA-C has been practicing since 2002 in internal medicine and endocrinology. He graduated from Loma Linda University PA program in 2002 and specializes primarily in diabetes and thyroid management. He helps to oversee our clinical research department and is actively involved in educating other healthcare providers in the area of diabetes management. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family and playing guitar and piano.
David Doriguzzi, PA-C has been practicing since 2002 in internal medicine and endocrinology. He graduated from Loma Linda University PA program in 2002 and specializes primarily in diabetes and thyroid management. He helps to oversee our clinical research department and is actively involved in educating other healthcare providers in the area of diabetes management. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family and playing guitar and piano.